Monday, September 11, 2017

In and around Fairbanks

This morning I did a practice run to the train depot, it takes about 20 minutes to get there and is easy to find. I then fueled the truck and decided to get a haircut. After that I drove Farmers Loop Road and at the east end took the Steese Hwy. north about 10 miles and found the Turtle Club (Good place for Prime Rib) & Dredge #8 ($40 for a tour, so I passed). I then toured some back roads stopping a couple of times looking for diamond willow, but didn't find any. Then it was back to Fairbanks and more touring of downtown. I stopped at Pioneer Park, but most places were closed for the season. I stopped at Soapy Smith's (A recommended restaurant) and had clam chowder and a crab burger, both were very good. Then it was back to the rig until tomorrow.

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