Wednesday, June 3, 2015

You Have Reached Your Destination

After spening an unplanned day in Anchorage we were finally able to leave town and head to Seward around 4:30 p.m. Tuesday afternoon, reaching Stoney Creek RV Park around 6:45 p.m.

While in Anchorage we visited a quilt shop, grocery store and of course Cabela's. We also had lunch with Lyman Meacham and walked the dogs a few times at one of our "dog walking areas".

Today (Wednesday) we are spending the day relaxing and setting up the camper for our extended stay.  It feels good to be in one place for a while.  Rosalie is also doing laundry.  The weather was rainy throughout the night and continues to rain today with rain forcast for the next couple of days, with a couple of inches forcast for the Seward area.   I was able to purchase and print our fishing licenses online, so we are ready to start fishing when the fish start to run.

Tomorrow we will make the 6 mile drive into town and see what's going on.

Since leaving home 2 weeks ago we have put on 4309 miles.

Cow and calf moose out for a stroll where we walk the dogs

Looking southwest from our rig towards the park office, not many rigs here right now.

We chose this spot after seeing how nice it was last year.  There isn't much of a view from the picture window, but it works well for the dogs and keeps us secluded on 2 sides.

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