Saturday, June 6, 2015

Life Around Camp

It continues to rain and has since we got here last Tuesday, but it has let up a bit this morning. Rosalie washed her recently purchased fabric this morning and took a shower while I took the boys for a run at one of stopping spots on the west side of Seward by the airport.  After their run we drove down to the harbor to see what was going on.  The tide was out and not much going on.  We then stopped for fuel and then headed back to camp.  I finally dug out the fishing gear and did some house keeping chores around the trailer.  I will rig the gear this afternoon and we plan to give fishing a try around 4:00 p.m.  People are catching some Reds and last year we caught our first fish on the 5th, so we better get fishing.

The Boys getting some exercise near the Seward Airport, the northwest end of Resurrection Bay is in the background

Mountains Across the Seward Hwy. near the airport

Seward Harbor

The view from my office

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