Saturday, June 13, 2015

Out And About

This afternoon I took my reel apart as it was "sounding/feeling different.  It looked like it was a bit low on grease and had a little moisture in the gearbox so I cleaned it up and then we went to town to get some reel grease and pick up some odds ends.  On the way home we stopped by the fish weir on Bear Lake Road to look at the salmon and talk with the workers, they are always so friendly and willing to answer questions.

Tonight we are invited to Bill & Edna's for tacos.  The plans are to get up early and be out fishing the low tide by 4:15 a.m. tomorrow.

Fish staging below the Big Bear Lake Weir

More Fish

More fish - Closer

1, 2, 3 JUMP!

Sexed and waiting to be tagged

Tagged and waiting to go to Big Bear Lake

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