Wednesday, August 29, 2012

4.4 Kenai Peninsula earthquake felt in Anchorage

An earthquake centered on the Kenai Peninsula was felt as far away as Anchorage and Eagle River.

The Alaska Earthquake Information Center says the earthquake had a preliminary magnitude of 4.4 and was centered 15 miles south of Sterling. It occurred at 4:50 a.m. The quake was felt widely on the Kenai Peninsula as well as points north. There were no immediate reports of damage.

We slept through it.....We awoke this morning to news that there was an earthquake only 15 miles south of us.  Several local residents told us they felt the quake and it even shook houses and rattled glass etc.  I'm not sure, but maybe being in the trailer lessened the effects or we are just used to the trailer moving and didn't pay attention.  My thought is that since the trailer is sitting on the ground and not anchored into it it probably just moved with the earth.   Oh well I would have liked to have at least felt it.

Other than that the past two nights we have had frost.  It doesn't seem enough to kill flowers etc, but you can see it on the windshield and rooftops.  The trees are changing color fast now and in another two weeks all the aspens should be a golden brown.  The fireweed is turning red and starting to spew cotton, the wild cranberries are getting redder and the tourist season is rapidly coming to an end, except for us:)   After this coming weekend traffic will be down to a minimum.

I Fed Exed some fish to Steve in Arbor Vitae yesterday and he received them this morning around 9:00 a.m.  This freed up some space in our freezer to make room for other stuff.  The freezer was so full I couldn't even get a pizza in it.  I added another fish tonight, a pink salmon that I caught off the pier by the place we are staying.

Our friends from Wisconsin left this morning for a caribou and moose hunting trip near Cantwell, we are not sure how long they will be gone, but are keeping an eye on their place while they are gone.  This afternoon we painted a deck and picnic table for them.  We are also checking on another neighbors house as they left this morning for Anchorage for a couple of days.   We covered their plants this evening, to ward off the frost.

Other than that we are fishing and enjoying early fall in Alaska.  We haven't taken any pictures lately, but will try to get some soon.

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