Friday, August 17, 2012

Russian River/Fish On/BEAR!

Note Brown Bear in background

Jim, Ken & Donna fishing the Russian River

Ken flipping a Russian Fly

Russian Fly

Bull Red Salmon

Jim & Donna with the Ferry in the background

Ken landing a red

Ken with a Red

Reds swimming upstream

Fisherman and bear

Our friends Jim & Donna Meacham from Wisconsin and Rosalie & I went to the Russian River fishing for red salmon today.  Once you get to the boat landing you pay to take the "hand-pulled" river ferry across to the other side and then we walked a couple hundread yards upstream until we found a fishing spot.  After we got rigged we started "flipping" for the salmon we could see swimming less than 10 yards out from shore from us.  It wasn't long before I got my first red.  We fished for about 2 hours and I caught 2 keeper reds, that are actually silver and not red, the red ones are to mature to eat.  I also caught 10-15 other reds that I released and had that many more hooked, but couldn't land them.  Just before leaving I spotted our FIRST grizzly on this trip, about 300 yards upstream.  Rosalie walked upstream and got a couple of pictures along with a face to face visit with Mr Bear.  Rosalie had climbed the stairs along the river in an attempt to get closer to the bear, but did not know that the fisherman on the shore below were throwing rocks and yelling at the bear to scare it up the bank, before she knew it Mr Bear and her were face to face (30 feet) looking at each other.  Rosalie decided the bear had right of way and slid down the bank onto the rivers edge.  Of course by this time her camera batery had run out, so we don't have close up pictures, but the story is still good.  Jim and Donna also hooked and landed fish so it was a good day for all........

In case I haven't mentioned it we are now parked/staying at Catch-Em Fish Camp at Sterling AK and plan to be here at least until the end of August.   Still no frost here and days continue to be in the 60's with nights in the 50's.  Casper & Spirit are enjoying there time here as well and look forward to their daily outings.

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