Friday, August 10, 2012

08/10/2012 From Kasilof Alaska

Good Morning from Kasilof AK.  We moved from Ninilchik to Kasilof Monday.  We are now at Kasilof RV Park, a nice small family run park.  There are 8 full hook up sites and about 10 partial hook-up sites. Right now there are 4 rigs here.  We will be here until Monday for sure and maybe longer, we will see.

Tuesday afternoon we took the dogs to Kenai and gave them baths at a dog wash, then Wednesday we gave them both haircuts so they look cute again.  After the haircuts it was back to  the dogwash for the after cuts baths. 

Yesterday I tried my luck at stream fishing targeting Dolly Vardens (Dollys).  My first time out I didn't have any luck and found that my 20# test line was to heavy for my Mepps 0 spinner, which I knew, but wanted to avoid getting different line.  I also found 2 King salmon swimming in a pool, which were cool to see, even if I couldn't catch them (Season is closed).  In the afternoon we took the dogs to the Kasilof beach for some exercise and I threw a few casts for Silver or Pink Salmon without any luck.  Then we stopped at a sport shop and I had new line put on to make fishing easier.  After supper I went back to Crooked Creek to try fishing and caught 4 small 4" Dollys and had a great visit with a local fisherman and his son. Today I will try fishing again.

The last few days have been perfect, with temps in the low 60's and sunny, nights get down to to 40's.  It is overcast right now, but they wern't calling for rain.

Fishing the mouth of the Kasilof with Casper & Spirit

Spirit sporting his new haircut

Casper "Waterdog" seagull hunting

Silly dog, shake after you are out of the water

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