Saturday, August 11, 2012


After a cloudy day yesterday today we have sunshine and at noon it's 60.  Just got back from fishing 3 spots for Dollys.  Yesterday I caught and kept 2 nice Dollys in about 20 minutes.  Today I fished for about 2 hours and didn't catch any, but did get to see a wolf and a cow and calf moose.  Yesterday I took pictures of the small bull moose that was along the road. 

After I finished fishing a spot this morning I walked out onto the road by the truck and about 75-100 yards away there was a a black wolf trotting down the road towards me.  As soon as we saw each other the wolf high-tailed it into the brush.  The entire encounter was 5 seconds or less, I wish I had got a better look.  Then on the way home I spotted the cow and calf in a meadow along the road, by the time I got the camera out they had worked there way into the trees.  Still exciting to see the wildlife.

This afternoon we are thinking of driving Tustamena Road to the end again and I will try fishing and hopefully we can get the dogs some swim exercise.  I am going to try and poach (cook - not taken illegally :))some salmon for supper along with boiled parsley potatoes and maybe peas.

Small bull moose along Crooked Creek Road near Kasilof

Cow and calf moose along Crooked Creek Road near Kasilof

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