Sunday, September 2, 2012


Happy September!!!!

I thought I would post some pictures and give an update on what we have been up to.  We have spent much of the last few days indoors as it's been rainy an d cool outside.  Last night was another cool night with temps dipping into the 30's.  Today's high was 54.

The pink salmon are in full run and I have been able to catch a few off of the pier using artificials.  Yesterday a family was on the pier and a young 6 year old girl was able reel in 8 pinks in about an hour.  She was using fresh shrimp for bait.  Nobody up here speaks highly of the pinks, but I have cleaned and froze 2 to decide for myself.

There has been a bear tromping around between the 2 piers here.  I put my trail camera out 1 night by each pier, but all I have been able to capture are people and a dog.  I will set again tonight in hopes of getting a picture.  On our walk up to our friends house this morning we saw fresh moose tracks crossing the road, but no moose.  They have been scarce lately as the hunting season is open.

Yesterday we went to the Soldotna and Kenai farmers markets and bought some local produce which we are eating some of tonight.  We are having grilled pork tenderloin, broccoli with cheese, pork stuffing and a fresh cucumber, tomato and broccoli salad with ranch dressing.

We have not decided on a date yet to start home, but think it will be late September.  Our friends Jim & Donna always host a Thanksgiving dinner before they head back to Wisconsin late September/early October, so we would like to stick around for that.

The place we are staying at had the busiest Labor Day since they opened up, with 5 units with guest last night.  After this weekend things were slow down considerably, we are looking forward to that.

The boys continue to behave and enjoy their daily walks and outings.

Cabins/Rooms @ Catch Em River Front Cabins - Soldotna AK

Bathrooms and Kitchen Bldg at Catch Em's

Our Rig at Catch Ems

Dwarf Dogwood or Bunchberry

Wild Cranberries

Our dirty truck AGAIN!

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