Thursday, September 13, 2012


Good Morning from Sterling, AK, yes we are still here.  Sunny and 51 degrees at 11:30am.  I just got back in from fishing from the 2 piers here at Catch Em's.  I caught 2 pinks and had a follow up or two.  The river has dropped about 18 inches in the last week.  We are seeing several dead fish on the bottom and along the banks as well as seeing some float by, all of this means the salmon run is coming to an end.  There was a big dead king salmon by the end of the pier yesterday, it was 45-50 inches long, it must have weighed 40-50 lbs when it was alive.

We have pretty much picked all of the cranberries along Elva Drive from our place to Jim & Donna's.  We have 18 cups frozen and gave about 3 cups away.  The aspen trees are changing and things are starting to look golden yellow.  Fall is a great time here, birds are migrating and things are not as busy as the summer season.  People are getting ready for winter and out enjoying the nice days.

It won't be long and we will start our journey back to Wisconsin, we checked the road conditions in Canada and there is some snow in the higher elevations and roads can be slippery in spots, something to look forward to.

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