Sunday, September 9, 2012


6+ Cups of Wild Cranberries

The wild cranberries are ready to be picked  We picked 3 cups yesterday and 6 cups today.  It took us 1 hour to pick the 6 cups.  We are "Food Saver" bagging them in 1 cup portions and then freezing them. 

We also finished painting Jim and Donna's picnic table and deck today.  It was a beautiful sunny day with temps in the high 50's.  The fish bite has slowed, I fished about 1 hour today with no bites.  I can still see the fish swimming past and surfacing once in awhile, but no bites.  I tried spinners and eggs.  I am also starting to see more dead fish washing to shore, which means we may get more bear action.

Our hosts gave us a homemade salmon pie that we had for lunch/supper it was scrumptious.  We will get the recipe as it is worth having again.  Thanks Carl & Yolanda of Catch Em River Front Lodge - Sterling, AK.

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