Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Where are we?

Well we left Lignite Tuesday morning and about 7 miles later made it to the border at Portal, after the usual questions at the checkpoint we were told to park and bring in the slip of paper the agent gave us.  Once inside were greeted by a friendly and polite agent who asked a few more questions and then used our firearms declaration form from 2012  and collected the $25 fee and we were on our way in less than 20 minutes without incident.

We continued our way northwest on Hwy 39 across Saskatchewan seeing HUGE fields and a coal mining operation.  I would say the fields are 2-3 miles across. The fields were wet and every pothole had ducks and geese on them.

A little northwest of Moose Jaw we took Hwy. 2 north to Chamberlain where we stopped and put the trailer slides out and ate some lunch and stopped at a local ice cream shop for dessert. This picture was taken in Chamberlain.  The sculptures you see are made by Don Wilkins and are placed along Hwy. 11. A website talking about these sculptures can be found at:

We then picked up Hwy. 11 and continued towards Saskatoon until we decided to stop at North Battleford for the night.  We stayed in a township campground that was very nice and only had about 8-10 sites occupied.

We began Wednesday morning by picking up Hwy 16 that continues northwest into Alberta at Lloydminster and goes through Vermillion and on towards Edmonton.  Driving through Edmonton was like driving through any big city, lots of traffic and stop and go.

A ways northwest of Edmonton we picked up Hwy. 43 that runs through Whitecourt and up to Valleyview where we have pulled into a place we have stayed before Sherks RV Park.  This place is top notch and I don't think you could find anyplace better.

Now we are catching up on e-mails etc and relaxing a bit before bed.

Tomorrow we will officially begin our journey on the Alaska Hwy. at Dawson Creek.

I should mention today temps were in the low 70's and mostly sunny.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more.

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