Monday, May 26, 2014

We Are In Alaska

We finally made it into Alaska yesterday (05/25) shortly after noon.  The road between Burwash Landing and Beaver Creek was the worse we had, lots of roller coaster heaves and sunken spots, so we had to go slow and pick our trail.  We could see a distinct haze in the air from the fires burning on the Kenai, close to the area we will be staying at later.

Diesel prices are crazy in Canada with the average being over $6 a gallon, one fill up cost $191, yikes!  Many RV parks are still closed or have limited services as the ground is still frozen and things haven't really picked up yet.  Lakes Muncho and Kluane are just starting to break up and there is lots of snow on the mountains yet.

We didn't have internet the last couple of days, so we weren't able to post and didn't take to many pictures.  We have seen lots of black bears, some moose, caribou, elk and a wolf and even a pair of Sandhill Cranes.

We spent last night with Bruce Grossmann in Delta Junction after finding the local RV park closed yet.  We had a nice visit with Bruce after supper and will spend some time today with him touring Delta Junction and maybe panning for some gold on his gold claim.  Then it will be off towards North Pole Alaska and then on to Fairbanks before heading south back towards Anchorage and then Seward.

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