Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Train, The Train! Canada here we come

Good Morning from a cold NW North Dakota, after a good day driving we found a place to stay in Lignite North Dakota.  There is still frost in the ground here and lots of water on the fields and all the potholes.  Seeing LOTS of ducks, they're everywhere.  The place we stayed hasn't turned the water on yet and there are only 6-7 sites.  It is all gravel (mud), but a nice place and nice people.

This morning we will head north to Portal ND where we will cross into Saskatchewan and begin our journey through/across Canada.  We will head NW towards Saskatoon and then on towards Edmonton.

We only took one picture yesterday during our travels and it was of this train.  Note, Ken took the picture and Rosalie was driving.

More as service/time allows

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