Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Rosie's low-tech log of our travels from May 22 til May 25....

May 22 (Thursday), we drove from Sherk’s at Valley View through to Triple G at Fort Nelson. We didn’t keep track of anything on this day, but we did see 2 black bears. And we found diesel at $1.63/liter or over $6 a gallon.

May 23 (Friday): We left Triple G at Fort Nelson about 10:15am Mountain Time. We saw so much wildlife all day.
Bears: 8 plus 2 cubs
Moose: 1                            Elk: 1                Rabbit: 2                    Caribou: 4
Coyote/Grey Fox (feeding on dead moose): in the heavy fog/cloud -- zipped into the woods so we couldn’t be sure what we saw.
Buffalo: 18 singles or small groups plus 43 in a herd including babies.

Rosie started a low-tech log of our travels to help our memories while we have fewer opportunities to hook up to the internet.

We drove through the high mountains in the clouds, fog got pretty thick in places, and it was raining with falling temperatures as we gained altitude. I’m glad Ken was driving.

We stopped at Tetsa River Lodge for a huge, delicious cinnamon roll.
Both Summit Lake and Muncho Lake are still ice covered and there was fog to drive through.

Pulled into the Baby Nugget RV Park west of Watson Lake. This was a very nice park with sites among sparse pines, but at least a little space between sites. Nice people who advised us to fill up with water and make sure to visit the dump station, since we would be finding lots of frozen pipes or parks that wouldn't even be open yet.

May 24 (Saturday): Left Baby Nugget RV Park about 9:00am Pacific Time.
It is impossible to play the alphabet game, since there are just so few signs along the road. There are high snow-covered mountains west of us.
We saw 1 caribou, 1 Rabbit, 1 coyote, 2 Porcupines, and a brown-phase Black Bear. Where have all the animals gone?
We stopped at Teslin for lunch; good food and got a discount on diesel fuel.
Made it to RV park at Destruction Bay.  Flat gravel lot with frozen water; only electric.

May 25 (Sunday): Left Destruction Bay about 8:45am, heading for Beaver Creek and Port Alcan.
The road is very rough! We are seeing a lot of ducks again and a few swans.  We also saw 5 moose today.

For future reference: There is a very nice RV park at White River (midway between Destruction Bay and Beaver Creek).

There is a lot of haze over the mountains to the west….from the forest fire on Funny River Road south of Sterling. We wish we could get computer or TV news to find out how large the fire is, and how it will affect our plans to spend the summer on the Kenai Peninsula.

We came up on some road equipment repairing the frost heaves, without flagmen to direct traffic around the equipment on one-lane surface. So we waited back because a big rig came into our lane heading right at us.

Crossed the border about noon….no issues at all.
Drove through TOK (note: Tundra RV park looks to be still open); it was too early to pull in, so we drove on to Delta Junction. We were very tired, but found the RV park still closed, because the frost isn't out of the ground yet. We didn't want to go on to Fairbanks, so called Dad to get phone number for Bruce Grossmann for advice.

Back to regular blogging now.

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