Friday, September 28, 2012

Back in Wisconsin

Good Morning from The Farm - Pardeeville, WI!

We left Sterling, AK last Thursday at 9:30 a.m. in the rain, saw the sun between Glenallan, AK and Tok, AK and then had sun all the way to Pardeeville, WI.  We drove 3913 miles in 8 days, which averages out to 490 miles per/day.  We pulled into The Farm at 4:00 p.m. Thursday afternoon.

We will be staying at The Farm until October 8th, at which time we will move into the house we are renting for the winter on Green Lake, then we hope to repeat our trip to AK next spring.  We are looking forward to seeing family and friends and enjoying fall in Wisconsin and the winter on Green Lake.

Thank you to our faithful followers and we invite you to continuing watching us on our blog as we intend to keep posting updates and photo's of our lives.  For now we are going to keep our blog name "North To Alaska 2012".

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

On the Road Again

We left Sterling, AK in the rain where it had rained for the past week or more.  Our first day of travels took us to and across the Canadian border to Beaver Creek.  By the time we set up camp at the Beaver Creek Campground the stars were out and it was unseasonably warm.

Friday we traveled through the Yukon in sunny skies and warm temperatures enjoying the great scenery.  Our second night was spent in Teslin YK, along a beautiful lake in a nice RV Park.

Saturday was spent going through the Rocky Mountains lots of ups/down/curves, but no snow.  The color contrast of the fall aspens and pines perched on majestic mountains is humbling.  Although we didn't make as many miles today, the scenery was great.  Our 3rd night was spent in a wonderful campground in Ft. Nelson, BC.

Sunny Sunday skies and warm temperatures continue as wind our way through BC, we are mostly out of the mountains now and the road has got smoother. We spend Sunday night in a great RV park just outside of Valleyview, BC.  We are getting back into a routine for set-up and take down of the rig.

Monday, is the day of the Big Push (644 miles - 12 hours) to make it the rest of the way through Canada and back into the lower 48.  We complete our journey through BC and coast into Alberta.  Lots of 4 lane hwy and not as inspiring scenery.  We have left the hills/mountains behind and traded them for rolling farmland and oil wells.  There are lots of ducks/geese on the lakes and ponds we pass.  The border crossing at Sweetgrass MT at 8:00pm was painless ,and we are back in the US.  We make it another 40 miles to Shelby, MT, where we spend the night.  Tuesday we start to head east towards home.......

We have our cell phones on and at least for now have great internet access.

Sterling Hwy. east of Sterling  09/20/12

Tern Lake @ the Sterling and Seward Hwys.

Tern Lake @ the Sterling and Seward Hwys.

This guy was in a covered trash barrel and greeted me when I  threw the trash away, he then checked out this butter container.

Beautiful - along the Alcan Hwy.

Aspens & Spruce in the Mountains

Destruction Bay

"Purple Mountains Majesty"  

Tatanka - Buffalo

Close Tatanka - Buffalo 


More Aspens & Spruce

The sun sets as we prepare to leave Canada

Thursday, September 20, 2012

We Are Starting For Home!!!!!!

Good Morning from another rainy start in Sterling Alaska.   We are up at 6:30am and getting things stowed,anchored and in their place for our return trip to Wisconsin.  It took us 9 days to get here and we are planning on that many to get us home.

It is a bittersweet time as we have met so many great people since we have been here, made new friends and seen and experienced so much, but we have also missed family and friends in the lower 48.

As we did on the way up we will try and post on our blog as we travel home so our followers can track our progress and see some of the scenery we are seeing.

See you all in a little over a week

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Another Hurricane

Hurricanes don't only happen along the southern gulf coast.  We are in the middle of our 3rd wind storm in as many weeks.  We currently are experiencing 30-50 mph winds with rain and it is supposed to blow all day.  Below is the weather bulletin from the National Weather Service.

845 PM AKDT TUE SEP 18 2012

...High wind warning now in effect until 6 pm akdt wednesday...

...Flood watch in effect from late tonight through thursday afternoon...

Tonight... Rain. Lows in the 40s. Southeast wind 15 to 25 mph with local gusts to 40 mph becoming southeast to northeast 15 to 30 mph after midnight. Along turnagain arm and higher elevations...southeast winds 50 to 65 mph with gusts to 75 mph.

Wednesday... Rain. Highs in the 50s. Along turnagain arm and higher elevations...southeast winds increasing to 85 to 110 mph during the morning then diminishing to 60 to 85 mph in the late afternoon. Lower hillside...east anchorage...and eagle river...southeast winds increasing to 25 to 35 mph with gusts to 65 mph beginning late morning. The rest of anchorage...southeast wind 20 to 35 mph with gusts to 50 mph by late morning.

Wednesday Night... Rain in the evening...then numerous showers after midnight. Lows in the 40s. Southeast wind 10 to 25 mph with gusts to 40 mph becoming variable 15 mph or less after midnight. Along turnagain arm and higher elevations...southeast wind 20 to 35 mph with gusts to 55 mph decreasing to 10 to 25 mph after midnight.

Otherwise all is well and we are thinking of migrating back to Wisconsin soon.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Good Morning from a rainy windy day in Sterling, AK.  It has rained for 3-4 days now and last night about 10:00pm the wind picked up and blew all night.  They had 100+ mph winds forecast for Anchorage,we have sustained 20mph with gusts to 40+ here.  Rain continues in the forecast through Thursday.

There has been a significant increase in bear activity along the river and I finally got some good shots of bears.  I will keep the camera out and hope to get more pictures.

Taken at Catch Em River Front Lodge Sterling, AK

See the smile??????

This is probably a 2-3 year old

Ain't he cute

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Good Morning from Sterling, AK, yes we are still here.  Sunny and 51 degrees at 11:30am.  I just got back in from fishing from the 2 piers here at Catch Em's.  I caught 2 pinks and had a follow up or two.  The river has dropped about 18 inches in the last week.  We are seeing several dead fish on the bottom and along the banks as well as seeing some float by, all of this means the salmon run is coming to an end.  There was a big dead king salmon by the end of the pier yesterday, it was 45-50 inches long, it must have weighed 40-50 lbs when it was alive.

We have pretty much picked all of the cranberries along Elva Drive from our place to Jim & Donna's.  We have 18 cups frozen and gave about 3 cups away.  The aspen trees are changing and things are starting to look golden yellow.  Fall is a great time here, birds are migrating and things are not as busy as the summer season.  People are getting ready for winter and out enjoying the nice days.

It won't be long and we will start our journey back to Wisconsin, we checked the road conditions in Canada and there is some snow in the higher elevations and roads can be slippery in spots, something to look forward to.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


6+ Cups of Wild Cranberries

The wild cranberries are ready to be picked  We picked 3 cups yesterday and 6 cups today.  It took us 1 hour to pick the 6 cups.  We are "Food Saver" bagging them in 1 cup portions and then freezing them. 

We also finished painting Jim and Donna's picnic table and deck today.  It was a beautiful sunny day with temps in the high 50's.  The fish bite has slowed, I fished about 1 hour today with no bites.  I can still see the fish swimming past and surfacing once in awhile, but no bites.  I tried spinners and eggs.  I am also starting to see more dead fish washing to shore, which means we may get more bear action.

Our hosts gave us a homemade salmon pie that we had for lunch/supper it was scrumptious.  We will get the recipe as it is worth having again.  Thanks Carl & Yolanda of Catch Em River Front Lodge - Sterling, AK.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Grin & BEAR It!

Bear Update........

Last night around 9:30pm, just before dark I grabbed my fishing pole and was on my way to make a few casts from the west pier before dark.  As I was walking past the cabins there was another guest sitting outside for a smoke break.  While talking with him I noticed a bear down near the end of the pier, I quick went and summoned Rosalie and Carl our camp host.  While looking for/at the small bear the Moma (BIG) bear stepped onto the pier with her front feet and looked at us.  She didn't stick around long before jumping over the pier to join junior.  Needless to say I did not fish last night.  If I hadn't stopped to talk with the guy I would have just got to the end of the pier and maybe got one cast before the bear would have come through.  Yikes!!!

Then...Around 5:00 a.m. we were awakened by a man yelling "Hey Bear" and heard some commotion coming from the bathhouse area.  Investigation revealed that a guy walking to the bathroom startled a bear that was about to get into the garbage cans there.

Here are some pictures of the "startled bear" walking onto the east pier and past my trail camera.

Yeah!!!!!   We get to see more bears....

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Happy September!!!!

I thought I would post some pictures and give an update on what we have been up to.  We have spent much of the last few days indoors as it's been rainy an d cool outside.  Last night was another cool night with temps dipping into the 30's.  Today's high was 54.

The pink salmon are in full run and I have been able to catch a few off of the pier using artificials.  Yesterday a family was on the pier and a young 6 year old girl was able reel in 8 pinks in about an hour.  She was using fresh shrimp for bait.  Nobody up here speaks highly of the pinks, but I have cleaned and froze 2 to decide for myself.

There has been a bear tromping around between the 2 piers here.  I put my trail camera out 1 night by each pier, but all I have been able to capture are people and a dog.  I will set again tonight in hopes of getting a picture.  On our walk up to our friends house this morning we saw fresh moose tracks crossing the road, but no moose.  They have been scarce lately as the hunting season is open.

Yesterday we went to the Soldotna and Kenai farmers markets and bought some local produce which we are eating some of tonight.  We are having grilled pork tenderloin, broccoli with cheese, pork stuffing and a fresh cucumber, tomato and broccoli salad with ranch dressing.

We have not decided on a date yet to start home, but think it will be late September.  Our friends Jim & Donna always host a Thanksgiving dinner before they head back to Wisconsin late September/early October, so we would like to stick around for that.

The place we are staying at had the busiest Labor Day since they opened up, with 5 units with guest last night.  After this weekend things were slow down considerably, we are looking forward to that.

The boys continue to behave and enjoy their daily walks and outings.

Cabins/Rooms @ Catch Em River Front Cabins - Soldotna AK

Bathrooms and Kitchen Bldg at Catch Em's

Our Rig at Catch Ems

Dwarf Dogwood or Bunchberry

Wild Cranberries

Our dirty truck AGAIN!