Friday, August 25, 2017


Even though it was a dreary/rainy day I was asked if I wanted to fish a part of the Kenai River I had never been on before, of course I said "yes". Yesterday afternoon we launched at Bing's Landing, just east of Sterling and motored upstream to Skilak Lake (10.3 river miles). It was a beautiful trip with different scenery from other sections of the river I have been on, passing through high bluffs and on glacial blue waters. On the way back we stopped and fished for a couple of hours watching the Red Salmon "line" of fish swim towards their spawning grounds still several miles upstream. We caught/released several mature salmon and kept two for the table. After fishing and on our way back to Bing's we were treated to seeing two brown bear cubs fishing in one of the streams that flows into the river. Sorry I didn't take the camera as the weather was very wet. One of the guys in the boat took some phone pictures, if they turn out I will post pictures later. The following link shows on a map the stretch of river we were on. Highlight & Right click and select "go to link",-150.6052974,13z?hl=en

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