Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Cranberry Picking Time

It's that time of year when the wild cranberries are ripe and need picking. Red fishing has ended and silver fishing is hit/miss. Bill headed for home a couple of weeks back and the Weber's left today, so that leaves one, me. This morning after the Weber's left I decided to pick some cranberries, after donning my bear spray I headed 100' from the trailer and started picking. It wasn't to long before I came across a pile of bear scat and then some more, yikes! senses are on full alert. The berry crop is the best I have seen and many of the plants have 2-6 berries, it took me about 2 1/2 hours to pick an ice cream bucket full and another 2 hours to clean and package them. My efforts yielded 17 cups. Nice! I am here at St. Theresa until next Tuesday when I will head back to Seward and Stoney Creek RV Park to try my luck at silver fishing for three days before heading to Wasilla for truck service and then north to Fairbanks.

1 comment:

  1. those berries look beautiful! If you pick another bucket full, we can give them to she gave me some a couple years ago.
