Saturday, July 1, 2017

July 01, 2017

The last day before we left Seward Rick went on a Resurrection Bay Cruise complete with a Prime Rib & Salmon lunch. Even though it was a cloudy, rainy, rough day Rick said he enjoyed himself and saw whales, seals, orcas, sea lions, otters, Mountain Sheep and many birds. While Rick was cruising; Les, Bill and I fished for the last time and were lucky enough to hit the run right and limited out putting 18 salmon in the freezer. Friday morning Bill fixed biscuits with bacon for us, afterwards we packed things up inside and out in preparation for our 90 miles trip southwest to Soldotna/Sterling. We arrived at St. Theresa about noon and got our rigs set up for the next chapter of our summer. After relaxing around camp for a bit we went and visited Rich & Kay at the Meacham Camp and then it was off to Magpyes for pizza supper. Rick & I spent the evening watching Invictus before going to bed around 10:30. Saturday morning Bill fixed Hash and eggs with toast for us before we headed into Fred Meyer in Soldotna for some groceries. This afternoon we will go to The Fish Camp at 3:00 p.m. for the Lindstrom 4th of July party.

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