Thursday, July 27, 2017

Fish On!

The run has started and we are catching lots of fish, us and the other thousands of people fishing. We caught limits yesterday and today and almost had our limits Tuesday night. The have cancelled commercial fishing for now as the fish count is real low. There was talk they may close the sport fishing season, but for now it is open. The freezer in our rig is full and our friends the Weber's 7 c.u. freezer is full and they just bought a 5 c.u. and that I am sharing and helping fill. Here are some pictures from today, one is of Bill & Les showing off Bill's new compact fishing pole, the other is our limit (9) of Reds today. We had rain all day yesterday and mostly cloudy until about 1:00 p.m. it is clear and beautiful right now with temps in the low 60's.

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