Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Fish On!

Well, the fishing has picked up, yesterday we did ok at low tide in the morning and Nancy caught her first Red and the first fish on the day. Last night we went back out and had pretty good luck fishing high tide. This morning we went out and all four of us caught our limits, but it took 4 hours. Spirits are higher with the nicer weather and higher fish counts. The internet service continues to be problematic and I am posting to the blog while at the Park office and on their internet. We heard there was a big brown bear roaming the perimeter of the Park a couple of nights ago, but haven't seen it. We are eating good, Bill did his famous fish fry with fish, fries and hush puppies a couple of nights ago and today Nancy made BBQ'd ribs, potatoes and a salad with Strawberry cake for dessert. It may be time for salmon again tomorrow night. I know our followers like to see pictures, so I have attached some, hopefully no repeats.

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