Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Let's Talk Turkey

I have been staying busy while home; weeding, weed-eating, spraying and visiting The Farm.  The past two days have been in the 80's and very humid.  We had a thunderstorm go through last night and more are forecast through Friday.  I am almost done weeding and trimmed everything this afternoon.  I plan to mow early next week.

All of the flower beds look in good shape and the native plantings we did last fall look good as well. The Rhubarb and Hostas e planted this spring seems to have taken root and doing well also.

Had this visitor this afternoon about 30 minutes after I came in from weed-eating.  He was cleaning up seed from the bird feeder the squirrels knocked out.


  1. It is always fun to see the turkey visitors. Funny how they move in shortly after you have been out there.

  2. It is always fun to see the turkey visitors. Funny how they move in shortly after you have been out there.
