Thursday, July 21, 2016

Just In Time

I was able to head back to Alaska yesterday, it started with a ride to Madison from our neighbors Don & Dani who picked me up at noon to head to the Madison airport.  I boarded the plane at 3:30 p.m. and made it to Minneapolis by 4:15, after a 1 hour lay-over I loaded the plane headed to Anchorage and made it to Anchorage without incident by 8:50 local time.  After I little walk I made it to my next flight that would take me to Kenai.  The trip from Anchorage to Kenai only take about 20 minutes and we landed on time about 10:28 p.m.  Rosalie wasn't long in picking me up and we headed back "home" where after a short visit I got some much needed sleep.

I was happy to see Rosalie, Casper and Spirit and welcomed the cooler 60's temperatures.  Thursday morning at 4:40 a.m. we got a call from the business looking at remodeling the bathroom at the farm letting me know they had some pictures to email me.  After a little more sleep I got up and put things away and ate some breakfast.  It was then time to take the dogs to Scout Lake for a swim, which they really enjoyed. Then off to the Meacham's for a short visit before coming home for some lunch and maybe a nap before our camp potluck tonight at 6:00 p.m.

Spirit on a long retrieve 

Casper on Spirit on a double retrieve at Scout Lake

The Boy's

A refreshing swim at Scout Lake

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