Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Cranberries, Puppies & Silvers

There is always something to do around here; Monday, Donna Meacham, Rosie and I went to Seward snagging Silvers, Rosie and Donna were the lucky ones as the pictures show.  As hard as I tried I could not catch one, but it was a fun day fishing anyway.   This was our last fishing trip of the season, so Tuesday I spent time stowing our fishing gear away in preparation for our trip home.  We ended the season with 68 Reds, 9 Silvers and 8 Pinks in the freezer.  We also ate/gave away 11 Reds and 2 Dolly's.  I estimate I also caught and released 150+ Pinks.

Donna snagging with the masses at Seward

Getting ready to cast for Silvers

Silver Delight

Puppy Pile - All 11 puppies are doing well and growing - they are 3 weeks old now

Wild Cranberries drying

We have picked and frozen about 16 cups of wild cranberries

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