Saturday, June 14, 2014

Quick Update

Sorry, no pictures for now, but we wanted to update our blog with the fish count which is now at 18.  Rosalie landed her first self caught fish yesterday and we plan to have it for lunch today.  We fished for about 3 1/2 hours yesterday, starting with the end of the low tide and midway into the high tide.  It was an overcast rainy day, but today has started mostly cloudy, but we are seeing peaks of sun.

We plan to clean the inside of the trailer (house) today and do some odds/ends around home and maybe go fishing for the high tide around 3:30pm this afternoon.

The boys continue to enjoy daily walks and seem to be well behaved waiting in the truck when we go fishing.  The RV Park we are at now got busy late yesterday, but is still not full.  We think the Red Salmon run here will slow down significantly this coming week.

We still haven't seen any Grizzlies, but do see an occasional moose or black bear.

Stay tuned for more and thanks for following us.

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