Thursday, June 5, 2014

Fish On!

Today we checked out a couple of places to snag (fish) west of Seward, one place is private and costs $5 per person and is a long walk out to the surf where you fish. The other is east about 2 miles southeast and is open to the public.  I tried my luck at the public place and was lucky enough to hook three and land one fish, the first fish of the trip.  I plan to go back out there this evening just before the high tide.

This is a smaller stream where I cleaned the fish, not where I caught it.

We also saw a intermodal building, something I think you can only see in Alaska.

Then we stopped at an overlook and watched the seiners chasing red salmon.

Note the small dots (people) fishing the surf above and left of the boat.  This is the first place I mentioned where you have to walk out to fish.

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