Sunday, June 29, 2014

In Case You Didn't Know

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We've moved

As previously mentioned we moved last Wednesday from Seward to Kasilof, we now are at Kasilof RV Park south of Soldotna about 12 miles.  It is a nice small RV park, but there are a lot more mosquito's. We are seeing many more moose, but still no Grizzlies.

Since being here I went fishing on the Kasilof River Friday, hooked two and landed one.  I didn't fish Saturday and Sunday because of the competition.  We stopped at Crooked Creek and were able to see many King Salmon swimming to their spawning grounds.  We cannot fish Crooked Creek, but it is fun to see the big fish swimming up river.  I plan to try fishing again tomorrow and may scout out the Kenai for Reds.

We have made two visits to our Friends Jim and Donna Meacham near Sterling and helped them with some spring clean-up chores.  Donna prepared a very tasty steak supper for us last night after getting our chores done.

The last two days have been very pleasant with temps in the low 70's and only a few sprinkles.

The view from our picture window at Kasilof

Look close and you can see King Salmon in Crooked Creek

More Salmon

Residents of Alaska can Dip Net and it is a family event

More dip netting in the Kasilof River where it meets Cook Inlet

Before and After

Yesterday we took the dogs to a self dog wash and they got baths.  The owner then let us use her shop to groom both boys.  After 4 hours they look much better.  Today we cleaned their ears, so they are all set for a couple of months.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A day filled with fishing

Yesterday I got up at 4:00 a.m. to go halibut fishing with our RV park neighbor Ray.  Like last week we got out to the open sea and found it too rough to fish. We headed back into the safety of the bay and found a couple of spots to try for halibut without any luck.  Maybe next time and Thank You Ray for taking me out on your boat twice, I had a nice trip both times and being able to see Seward from the Resurrection Bay.

A view looking northeast across Resurrection Bay

Close up of above, we salmon fish left of the white bldg.

some Kayakers

South side of Seward in the foreground, city in the background

After I got back to the trailer we walked the dogs and then went to the fishing hole, but didn't have any luck.  After another dog walk we went back to the trailer for a nap and supper.  Then after a short rest we headed back out fishing at 10:00 p.m. to fish the late high tide at 11:28 p.m. and try fishing under the midnight sun, except it was cloudy.  We were about to give up with no bites and then at about midnight Rosalie hooked a fish, but it got off, we kept fishing and then the action got hot and heavy and we successfully landed 6 fish in about 40 minutes.  Here are some pictures of salmon fishing in Seward at about 11:30 p.m., the fish picture was taken about 12:45 p.m.

After cleaning the fish on the beach we headed home for the final cleaning, packaging and freezing and finally off to bed at 3:00 a.m.


Sunday, June 22, 2014

What We Have been Up To

We are still at Seward and continue to fish almost everyday.  The weather the last 3 days has been very nice, with temps in the 60's during the day and 40's at night. I don't think we have had a day for over a week when it hasn't at least rained a little bit.  As I write it just started sprinkling again.

Yesterday we took a day off from fishing and did some house cleaning and tidying up.  While Rosalie cleaned I took the dogs for a walk and found a new place along a beach where we can walk.  We tried it out this morning and while I fished Rosalie walked the boys.  I didn't catch any fish in the new spot, but we went to the old spot where I landed 2 more Reds bringing our total to 34.

Tonight we were joined by our new friends Bob & Susie and went to Christo's in downtown Seward for supper.  Christo's Palace is a nice supper club that we haven't had a bad meal at yet.

Early tomorrow (5am) I am going out with Ray (another camper) to try our luck at Halibut fishing again, hopefully the weather cooperates.  Wednesday we pack and hook up and make the 100 mile move to Kasilof for the Kenai and Kasilof Red run.

The view out of the window by my computer desk

Another place we can walk the dogs on the beach

Glacier we can see on our beach dog walk

Close up of the same glacier

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A little bit of everything

Today we took the dogs for a walk and then picked up some groceries, my reel parts at the post office, got fuel, stopped at the hardware store for boots and then had lunch at Red's Burgers in Seward ( we then came back to the trailer to relax before heading out to the fishing spot. Ken was lucky enough to catch another 3 salmon to bring the total to 25. Here are some pictures during our travels.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Rain, Wind, Waves, Fish and Swans

The afternoon high tide was at about 5:00 p.m. today so after giving the dogs a short walk we arrived at the fishing spot at about 2:40 and started fishing.  It was raining, windy and 3' waves.  We were able to land 4 salmon and stopped fishing about 5:15.  Total salmon tally is at 22.

We have been watching a pair of swans along the road to/from the dogs walking and fishing area.  We could tell they were nesting and today we were given a sneak peak of the swan family out for a stroll.  It was raining and they were a ways away, but if you look close you can see two of the little ones.  The adults were stirring up the bottom so the little ones could eat.  If we get a better opportunity we will try and get some better photos.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Exit Glacier

Today after we took the dogs for their morning walk we drove around a bit and drove into Exit Glacier that is in Kenai Fjords National Park.  Although we didn't take the hike back to the glacier we did stop and take some pictures.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Just a walk in the park

This is one of the places we have been walking the dogs in Seward and is close to where we have been catching the fish.

While picking up some hardware to fix two sewer pipe mounts on the underside of the trailer I took this photo of the Alaska Railroad passenger train in Seward.

Quick Update

Sorry, no pictures for now, but we wanted to update our blog with the fish count which is now at 18.  Rosalie landed her first self caught fish yesterday and we plan to have it for lunch today.  We fished for about 3 1/2 hours yesterday, starting with the end of the low tide and midway into the high tide.  It was an overcast rainy day, but today has started mostly cloudy, but we are seeing peaks of sun.

We plan to clean the inside of the trailer (house) today and do some odds/ends around home and maybe go fishing for the high tide around 3:30pm this afternoon.

The boys continue to enjoy daily walks and seem to be well behaved waiting in the truck when we go fishing.  The RV Park we are at now got busy late yesterday, but is still not full.  We think the Red Salmon run here will slow down significantly this coming week.

We still haven't seen any Grizzlies, but do see an occasional moose or black bear.

Stay tuned for more and thanks for following us.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

More Fish Pictures

We didn't fish today, but we took a drive after supper to Bear Lake Road, near our campground. The DNR has a salmon egg collection point here and here are some pictures of salmon we saw there.

Day Off

Today we took a day off from fishing and did some sight seeing, we headed north of Seward to Hope, AK a small village 15 miles north of the Sterling Hwy. on the west side of Cook Inlet.  Hope is at the end of the road and a nice small quaint village.  The Porcupine Campground, which is part of the Chugach National Park is at the very end of the hwy and looked very nice, but for smaller rigs, no hook-ups.  On our way back we took a couple of side roads one lead us through a private gold mining area along a flowing river with beautiful camping spots and scenery.  The other took us 7 miles up and over mountains to a gated area with camping and picnic spots and another mining operation.  The following photos don't do justice to the views, they were magnificent.  Here are the GPS coordinates where we stopped.  60.850712, -149.535202.

A picture of Cook Inlet on our way out

Monday, June 9, 2014

Still stationed near Seward

 Ken snagging in Resurrection Bay 
 Cleaning spoils feed the birds
 Lots of flowers blooming now and more to bloom soon

Another mountain picture

To date we have caught 10 Sockeye (Red) Salmon, Rosalie has got in on the action and landed two of her own:)  Weather today was low 50's and rainy this afternoon.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Fish On!

Today we checked out a couple of places to snag (fish) west of Seward, one place is private and costs $5 per person and is a long walk out to the surf where you fish. The other is east about 2 miles southeast and is open to the public.  I tried my luck at the public place and was lucky enough to hook three and land one fish, the first fish of the trip.  I plan to go back out there this evening just before the high tide.

This is a smaller stream where I cleaned the fish, not where I caught it.

We also saw a intermodal building, something I think you can only see in Alaska.

Then we stopped at an overlook and watched the seiners chasing red salmon.

Note the small dots (people) fishing the surf above and left of the boat.  This is the first place I mentioned where you have to walk out to fish.