Friday, June 3, 2016

Getting it done

We are still getting settled in and rested up in Seward, but took some time yesterday to go fishing.  While scouting our fishing area on Wednesday we found it barricaded off and part of a construction project.  Research at the Visitors Center, Seward Police Department and Alaska Fish & Game gave us no clear answers, but it was suggested as long as we didn't hinder operations it should be ok to fish.

So yesterday afternoon we joined a couple visiting from MN fishing and were lucky enough to catch 8 Reds in about two hours.  It was cloudy, 50's and light rain.  After catching and cleaning the fish we headed back to camp for a wild turkey, mashed potatoes and carrot supper before processing and freezing the fish.

So we have fish in the freezer and the 2016 fishing season has begun.

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