Monday, June 27, 2016

Fish Update

We went fishing this morning at about 8:30 a.m., fishing pressure was light/moderate.  It didn't take long and Ken landed a Red.  Rosalie caught the last fish for our 12 limit at about 10:30 a.m.  Ken also caught and released a Flounder.

It was then into town to clean fish and afterwards I dropped Rosalie off at Sew and Bee Cozy for some more fabric and I went grocery shopping and walked the dogs.  It was then back to the rig for some lunch and final processing and into the freezer for the fish.  Our current catch here at Seward is 110 with 104 in the freezer and it's almost full.  No, we won't be headed for home since the freezer is almost full, but we may ship some.

We plan to go fishing again tomorrow, our last trip before we pack up Wednesday to move to St Theresa.

Rosalie not only catches fish, she now helps fillet them
I think we are close to being true Alaskans

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