Sunday, June 3, 2012

Good Morning from the Great Land.  Had a few sprinkles overnight and woke to heavy overcast skies.  Temperatures are in the 50's with no wind.  Being Sunday, we read the pastors sermon which he sends us every week and are relaxing and doings odds/ends around camp.

Palmer Hay Flats - Wildlife Area

Mountain View Campground - Palmer

Rosalie, Casper & Spirit at Palmer Hay Flats
We are going to stay one more night at Mountain View Campground at Palmer before leaving early (5:30am) tomorrow morning for Anchorage and the trailer repair place to have the axles/tires looked at.  We will then sight see around Anchorage until 12:30pm when we are going to meet with our Friend Allan Skinner for lunch.  Hopefully the trailer will be done by early afternoon and we will then begin our trip further south onto the Kenai.  We are thinking of staying a day/two in Seward.

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