Even though we are "on vacation", a better description would be "we are away from home". There are still chores and daily tasks to do, such as laundry day, evidenced by this picture.
Ken continues to fish almost every day, but the Red run has slowed significantly, there is plenty of Pink action and the Silvers have started to run in the Kenai as well. Ken fished the Kenai today at the Pipeline and caught 20 Pinks and 1 Silver during 2 hours of fishing. Fishing pressure was low, but there was a Warden working the river who stopped by and checked everyone's license and bag limit.
Yesterday Rosalie, Donna and her friend Ann visited Homer and took some well deserved "Lady" time sight seeing and spending time away from the trailer. Rosalie has spent a lot of time at the trailer dog sitting and dropping Ken off to fish and then picking him up. Here are some pictures in/around Homer.
In case you were wondering there are at least two names for the salmon we are catching, not to mention their Latin names. Here is a list.
Sockeye = Red/Preferred for eating
Pink = Humpy/Locals don't save these and consider them a nuisance fish
Coho = Silver/Sought after late season, bigger than Reds, smaller than Kings
Chinook = King/Trophy fish , the biggest of the salmons
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