Monday, July 28, 2014

Fish Pictures

Hello from Soldotna/Sterling, last Friday the 25th we moved from the Kasilof RV Park to Saint Theresa Resort Lodge (    between Soldotna and Sterling.  The lodge has 5 cabins they rent out and then 4-5 RV spots.  Over the weekend all of the cabins and RV spots were full, but today there are only 2 RV's here.  We do have to keep on eye on the Boys as the owners have a German Shorthair (Dixie) that wonders the grounds, but it is a nice place.

We fished for about an hour on Saturday by Sterling, but didn't have any action.  Otherwise I didn't spend time fishing over the weekend because of the crowds.  This morning Rosalie dropped me off at Big Eddy at 8:00 a.m. and around 9:30 a.m. a run came through and I started getting hits, I must have landed 10 Reds that were foul hooked and had on another 10 that got off.  After shortening my leader and moving into the prime spot after others left I was able to catch my 3 limit and was done fishing by 1:30 p.m.  Rosalie came and picked me up and we did some grocery shopping and picked up subs at Jersey Subs.   I was very happy to finally be able to bring a limit of nice Reds home.  Although I didn't catch any, other fisherman did catch some Pink Salmon this morning.

Caught at Big Eddy 07-28-2014

Caught on the Kenai River 07-29-2014 between Sterling and Soldotna

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