Monday, June 16, 2014

Rain, Wind, Waves, Fish and Swans

The afternoon high tide was at about 5:00 p.m. today so after giving the dogs a short walk we arrived at the fishing spot at about 2:40 and started fishing.  It was raining, windy and 3' waves.  We were able to land 4 salmon and stopped fishing about 5:15.  Total salmon tally is at 22.

We have been watching a pair of swans along the road to/from the dogs walking and fishing area.  We could tell they were nesting and today we were given a sneak peak of the swan family out for a stroll.  It was raining and they were a ways away, but if you look close you can see two of the little ones.  The adults were stirring up the bottom so the little ones could eat.  If we get a better opportunity we will try and get some better photos.

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