Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thursday June 14, 2012

Had a nice visit with Rich & Kay from Sterling today.  Then stopped and had an ice cream cone before heading east of Sterling to Drive Skilak Road, an 18 mile drive that loops south off of the Sterling Hwy.  First stop was Bottenintnin Lake (Your guess on pronunciation is as good as mine) to let the dogs have a break and swim.  After our stop we continued east checking out campgrounds and turn-offs.  Near one campground we got to see a black bear in the road, but it was to quick for a picture.  Then when we were about 3 miles from hooking back up with the Sterling Hwy. we came across 2 more bears on the road, they were more cooperative wit having their pictures taken.  We also saw a porcupine on the road, but didn't stop to take pictures.

We sent Spirit out to retrieve a stick, but he brought up a lilly pad. Bottenintnin Lake

Spirit & Casper swimming in Bottenintnin Lake

Bottenintnin Lake



Black Bears on Skilak Road - Sterling
 Tomorrow we pack up from our RV spot near Sterling and head to Ninilchik for our next stay.

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