Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Our last fire

With rain forecast starting tomorrow through Labor Day I started a fire one last time during our stay at the Meachams, summer of 2021.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Sites on our trip to Homer

With clear skies and temperatures in the mid 60's it was a beautiful day for a trip to Homer.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Last day salmon fishing for 2021

It's been a week since I was last fishing. Today, after dropping Rosalie off at quilting I went to "The Pipeline" and walked in for my last day of salmon fishing for 2021. It was a great day to be fishing the river, I caught and kept 1 silver and two reds. I left several more mature reds go and lost a couple more fish I think were silvers. I met up with "Bob" in the parking lot and we walked in, fished and walked out together. Bob was interesting to talk to and fun to fish with. Since last week I have been doing odd jobs around the house and packing things that could be packed. I also winterized the 5th wheel and helped prep the motorhome for sale, which was sold today. Yippee! Packing will continue in the days ahead as we plan to start for home September 7th or 8th.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Canned fresh and smoked salmon

I canned 28 half pints of fresh salmon yesterday, today I smoked and canned 20 half pints of smoked salmon.  I had two left-over smoked fillets, they will get shrink wrapped given to some friends up here.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Moose !!!!!

One of our visitors yesterday morning walked within 12' of our front door, the pictures are from my trail camera .

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Fish On!

Red Salmon fishing continues to be good on the Kenai River, I got my limit of 6 in an hour this morning in the rain.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Another great day fishing the Kenai River

Another great day fishing the Kenai River (3 limits) and Mt Redoubt across the inlet, driving west on Poppy Lane.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

All is well here

I have been asked how things are going since I haven't posted any pictures lately. Things are going well; the Sockeye Salmon run in the Kenai River is in full swing. We picked up our friends in Anchorage on Friday and were able to visit our friend Lyman Meacham a the Fort Richardson Hospital while we were in town. Today I met with some other friends from Wisconsin and found a spot on the Kenai River to catch our limit (3 each) of Reds in about 30 minutes. One of our friends let me use his fly rod and I caught my first fly rod red.