Saturday, May 23, 2015

Big Sky Montana

We finished driving through North Dakota and made it about halfway across Montana and are spending the night at Evergreen RV Park at Havre, MT.  We are thinking about trying a new route and instead of crossing at Sweetgrass we may cross further west at Piegan on hwy. 89.

We had great driving weather today and were able to put 500+ miles behind us. The scenery wasn't to exciting, but we did see more ducks.  The area around Williston, ND still amazes me at how much it continues to grow with no organization as the oil boom looks in full swing.

We should cross into Canada tomorrow where we will spend the next few days making our way across Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon before making it to Alaska.

This picture is from 2012 taken at Evergreen RV Park on the 23rd of May 2012, how ironic.  No rainbow today though.

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