Sunday, May 31, 2015

Back in Alaska Again

After rough ride we made it back into Alaska again around noon today.  Our next stop was at fast Eddies Restaurant in Tok where we met our friend Bruce Grossmann and his friend Valerie.  Bruce treated us to a great lunch and gave us time to catch up.  After lunch we stopped at Three Bears Grocery and picked up some odds/ends.  It was then off west on Hwy. 1 to Glennallen where we picked up the Glenn Hwy towards Palmer and Anchorage.

Between Tok and Glennallen I thought the trailer looked lop sided and upon inspection found we had a broken spring on the right side of the trailer, we are going to try and limp our way to Anchorage and try to get it fixed.  I will also mention the check engine light came on after start-up this morning, so one more thing to have looked at along with a tire rotation.

Tonight we are staying at Slide Mountain RV Park about 50 miles west of Glennallen, this is a small family park and as of 9:45 we are the only ones here.  We stayed here last fall and liked it so we stopped again this year, they also have a good spot to walk the dogs.

So, we are in Alaska and our phones are on, but we may not always have good reception.

Pictures Along The Haines Hwy, between Haines, AK and Haines Junction YT

Words cannot describe the beauty

No, not our new house, but a shelter used by travelers and hikers.  Note outhouse in distance

Cozy & Comfortable

Pretty well furnished and clean

We left Haines yesterday morning around 8:30 and stopped for the night At Discovery Yukon Lodging near the White River around 5:30.  It is a real nice park with a great place to walk the dogs.

Friday, May 29, 2015

More pictures from Haines

Haines Boat Harbor 


Some pictures from around Haines, AK

We spent the afternoon checking the area around Haines out.  We bought some Halibut for supper and some shrimp for a treat later on during our travels, Rosalie also found some fabric to buy for future projects.

It was a warm 70+ degrees and sunny day.

Looking northeast from the rig

A view looking south from Hitch EM Up RV Park Haines, AK

Haines from the southeast across the bay

A flock of Scoters

Surf and Whitewing Scoters, maybe others

A Glacier

Traveling between Haines Junction YT and Haines, AK on the Haines Hwy (3)

We drove the Haines Hwy yesterday, it takes about 3 1/2 hours to drive.  We started in the YT, drove through BC and then crossed the border into AK, making it to Haines, AK about 4:30 p.m.  The U.S. border officers asked a lot of questions and walked inside the trailer, but didn't "toss" us.  They did recommed we not try and bring the 2 1/2 dozen eggs back into Canada, so we had eggs and hash for supper and eggs and sausage for breakfast.  I did some research and will be freezing the eggs we have left before we leave.

The drive to Haines was one of the most scenic drives I have done and words cannot describe the beauty. (We hope to take more pictures on the drive out tomorrow)  The road was in good repair and easy to drive.

We will spend today exploring Haines, a small coastal community.

Traveling the Alaska Highway

You never know what you may see or experience while driving the Alaska Hwy.  Here are some pictures from our travels on 05/27/2015.

Near the summit of Steamboat Mountain

Not much visibilty & 40 degrees

Time for a walk along Muncho Lake

Along Muncho Lake

Always nice to see the Woodland Bison

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Where we are tonight

We have limited internet tonight so I am blogging in the restaurant at Teslin, YK, so no pictures , maybe tomorrow night.

Today we saw 2 moose, 2 moutain Goats, lots of Bison and 4 black bears.  Much of the day was spent driving in the mountains in the fog and rain, but no snow...

Have a good night

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Traveling The Alaska Highway

We started our journey on the Alaska Hwy. today, it was an uneventful day, but we did see 1 moose a long ways off the road.  Tomorrow is the day we typically will see lots of wildlife.  We pulled into Triple G RV Park at Fort Nelson, BC around 6:30pm and shortly after getting set up were welcomed with a thunderstorm.  It is sprinkling now, but hopefully it quits before we do our last walk with the dogs.

Look for pictures in the next day/two

Monday, May 25, 2015

We are in Canada

After leaving Havre Montana we headed NW on Hwy 2 towards Shelby, MT,  There isn't much to see except BIG farm fields,  After leaving Shelby we continued north on Hwy. 2 until branching off on Hwy. 89 which was supposed to go along the mountains, well it went directly through the mountains on a narrow two lane twisty curvy road.  The scenery was great, but it was hard to take my eyes off the road.

We crossed the border into Canada at 2:00 pm at the port of Carway without incident and drove until about 6:30 p.m. when we pulled into an RV park near Red Deer, Alberta.

We made good progress again today and found an RV park near Grand Prairie Alberta to stay at.  Tomorrow we will begin our journey on the Alaska Hwy.

Along Hwy. 2 Between Havre and Shelby, MT

It's hard to describe the size of things

Assuming this is winter wheat

1 of at least 25 Antelope we saw on our drive on Hwy. 2

Finally something bigger than a hill

Snow of the mountains north of Shelby

Near the summit on Hwy. 89