Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Fish On! - Fish Off - Rod, Reel and Dignity gone!

Yesterday was a day of follies, it started with my 5:00 a.m. fishing trip to Big Eddy, I was finally able to land a Red after a week of no fish, but it was a mature male too mature to keep.  Then I was "bumped" from my fishing spot by a husband/wife who crowded me out.  On the positive side I was the first person in our group of 10-12 to land a fish and also landed a nice Dolly Varden I released. Also discovered a small hole in my waders, but it is fixable.

Later I decided to fish the evening shift and picked the "Pipeline" as my destination, upon arrival around 7:00 p.m. I was greeted by many fisherman walking out with their limits and high spirits.  With anticipation high I made it to the River and after a short wait was offered a spot to fish.  For the next 2 hours I hooked 3-4 Reds, but didn't land any and fishing action was good.  Has the run started????

Next the unthinkable happened, I had a solid strike and the next thing I know my rod, reel and set-up is in the river and rapidly going down river.  I was unable to grab it as was the guy next to me, although he made a valiant attempt, how humiliating.  I have seen other fisherman catch fishing rigs, one even with a live salmon still on it and always wondered how does that happen?  I don't have a answer for that, but now know it can happen and happen fast.  As I replay the chain of events in my head I can't help but wonder if my strike was a Chinook (King), but that's no excuse for not keeping a grip on your equipment.

Sorry no pictures from my day of follies....

Hopefully I got all of my follies used up in one day, so it's off to catch some Reds this morning.....

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