Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesday 05/22/2012

Sorry no pictures today.  Somehow we slept in until 7:30a.m. this morning and after getting everything done finally got on the road around 11:30.  Drove all day and got to Dickinson, ND 8:30pm their time 9:30 Central time.  Now just relaxing a bit after setting up the trailer and then off to bed.  Hopefully we can get an earlier start tomorrow.  We plan to head north after we get into Montana and pick up Hwy 2 and take that west to I-15 where we will head north.

Truck continued to impress me today, with pulling power and ease of trailer handling, however we did use more fuel as we were getting pushed from the side with a southeast wind most of the day until this afternoon when it switched to more west/southwest so we were almost bucking it head on.  Still plenty of power.......

Stay tuned for more


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What's the weather going to be like when you get there?

    1. Bill, sorry this was delayed. I am learning how to do this blog thingy. The weather will be wonderful when we get there. Won't matter what the temp or precipitation. It is Alaska. lol.
      Really. It was too hot in Wisconsin for a week or so before we left. It is usually much better now that we have made it into Canada, but yesterday was mid-70s and too hot for how we dressed.
      It will typically be in the 50s or 60s where we are going (along the west coast of the Kenai Peninsula), and they get a fair amount of precipitation - altho we never had rain when we have been there before, just had to wear jackets.
      Will keep you informed with this blog on what we are doing.

  3. What an awesome adventure - safe travels!

  4. I have your blog bookmarked and we are excited to follow your adventures! Praying for safe travels for you guys and our "cousins." Love, Ruth and Steve :)
