Thursday, May 30, 2019

Bears, Bison, Moose and Alaska Oh My!

The 27th was our "mountains & wildlife" day. It is the day we drive over the mountains and typically see lots of wildlife and great scenery. This year was no exception, we saw 7 black bears, 3 cinnamon bears, 5 Sandhill Cranes, 1 Mule Deer, 2 Moose, 6 Stone Sheep, 7 Bison and 1 Porcupine. We started off from Fort Nelson and ended up at Teslin. Last night we stayed at Discovery Yukon. We crossed into Alaska at 9:45 a.m. Alaska time and headed north towards Fairbanks. We continued on and are spending the night at Nenana and will drive back to Fairbanks tomorrow for sight seeing and shopping.