Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

My brother Phil & I cut several box elder and locust trees this past spring to clear an area for the 4th pond at the farm.  We stacked the brush to be burned later and stacked the logs into piles to be cut up for firewood. We spent 2 1/2 hours each Tuesday & Wednesday cutting up the logs into firewood.  The locust was cut into 26" lengths for sale to a guy with an outdoor wood burner and the box elder into 16" lengths for splitting and burning at the farm.  A job well done....Let the splitting begin:)

Here is a picture of a load of box elder (1 of 4).

We are enjoying our stay on the shores of Green Lake.  Here is a picture looking east across Green Lake about 5 minutes before sunrise this morning 11/01/2012.